Saturday, November 20, 2010

Green Lantern trailer and thoughts.

Check out the trailer:

Honestly? I don't like it. I really expected something more serious. Given the fact that the bar has been raised so high for superhero movies or comic book movies with The Dark Knight and Watchmen, that I expected this movie to be more serious and this trailer completely killed my expectations with this movie, It doesn't mean that I wont be there opening night, it just means that this movie is just not gonna be as good as it could've been. Also the CGI is not looking very original. I hope this is all gonna get some work before         
the movie comes out. Anyways, it's nice to see a DC superhero come to life in the big screen, other than Batman and Superman so the ride should be fun. What do you all think?

Hot blogs to check.

There are about as many blogs out there as there are people in the United States. I always had trouble finding good blogs with enough information that was also credible to find out about the latest movie news and gossip, as well as just cool stuff about my favorites characters. So I came up with the idea of making a list of blogs that are really good and credible that I usually check out when trying to find out information about whatever it is that I need to know.

First. If you're a Batman lover (like me) and have trouble finding news and gossip material on this character there are two places where you could go. One, and the one that I use the most, is

The other big one is the DC Comics' Message Boards:

These two really help me find information and the latest news on the character. As well as some other comic book characters. And some other movies.
I also like to visit James Bond's official site because I'm such a huge James Bond fan, I guess you can tell from the title of this blog. So here it goes.

Also, as kind of a bonus blog. For those of you that don't speak English and speak Spanish, even though that's not possible because you wouldn't be reading this or at least not understanding it. I use this website called, so here it goes or: aqui les va!

So thanks guys for checking out my blogs and I hope you enjoys those sites that I just gave you as much as I do. And whatever you can find on those sites you will also find it on my blog so you guys can just stay tuned to this blog and I look forward to keeping you informed.

Is anybody else excited about Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol???

I first heard the news on Lopez Tonight when Ving Rhymes told George he was filming the fourth Mission: Impossible movie. I couldn't believe the news and I didn't think they would go into shooting so fast.
We don't have a lot of news about what's the movie gonna be about but shooting has already begun. Right now they're shooting in Dubai. Tom Cruise has been seen doing stunts on top of Dubai's tallest building.
The Hurt Locker's star Jeremy Renner will be joining Cruise in the fourth installment of the poplar franchise. Also Josh Holloway from "Lost", will be joining the cast. 
Even though we don't have a lot of ideas as to what the plot will be or even who the bad guy is. Nut I'm sure as hell looking forward to this movie. I own the DVD collection of the first three movies and I just can't wait 'til this movie comes out. I don;t care about  all those people than judge Tom Cruise based on his belief, he's my favorite actor and I think the man can act as well or better than just about anybody else, and even at the age of 48 he looks better than ever.

What's up with Batman Inc.???

Call me old fashioned. But I don't like where DC Comics is headed with this new approach to Batman. It seems to me like if a monkey was the Senior Editor for Batman publications at DC Comics. I really don't know what's gotta be going through somebodys' mind to have hired this guy. First we have one of the most successful movie franchise (Batman) being brought back to life (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight) by a wonderful cast of actors and a great direction (Chris Nolan). Then you have one the most critically acclaimed superhero movies of all time ( The Dark Knight), not to mention the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises, and all of the sudden you got a Batman story that features everybody else but Batman (R.I.P). And now they bring Batman back, I don't consider anybody else but Bruce Wayne to be Batman, but not only Batman, Now they're gonna have a corporation in which people that belong have to wear a Batman costume.
I don't know about many of you but I don't think I will be reading these upcoming Batman titles.
However, the only thing exciting about the upcoming group of failures is David Finch. I mean the guy can draw, and if you're one of the people (like me) that gets easily hooked to a comic based on the art, then you should probably pick up his upcoming Batman: The Dark Knight. Check out this images from the first three covers of this exciting new title. Or if you don't wanna read it, just wait 'til I review it, Lol!
Here are the pictures.